Kiwi Crate discount
Entertainment Reviews

Why You And Your Kids Will Love Kiwi Crates

December 10, 2018

My son is super into robots and even attended a robotics camp over the summer. But with our eco-friendly lifestyle, I was having trouble finding an engineering/coding set that would work for us. Everything seemed to be made entirely from plastic, or was incredibly expensive. So when I found KiwiCo crates I was eager to give them a shot!

Here’s why you and your kids will love Kiwi Crates

  • Many of the pieces are made from wood or cardboard.
  • They engage kids’ creativity and experimentation.
  • They’re affordable (you can choose to buy just one crate, or sign up for a monthly, 3 month, 6 month, or annual subscription).
  • And they’re really fun.
  • A perfect screen-free way to keep kiddos occupied for hours on a rainy day or during winter break!

In my Instagram and Facebook Stories, I did a full review of TWO different crates filled with STEAM-inspired projects (for my 6yo and 2yo respectively), which we received for free in exchange for my coverage. Honestly, I’d have paid full price for these awesome activity boxes – you have to check them out!

If you didn’t catch it live, here’s a video compilation of the Stories about the Kiwi Crate (for ages 5-8) and Tadpole Crate (for ages 0-36 months):

Some additional photos you didn’t see in my Stories:

Kiwi Crate Discount

My son got a kick out of this comic that came in the pamphlet with his Kiwi Crate. There were a ton of other activities and interesting pages to read in it!

Kiwi Crate Discount

Doing the maze in the activity book.

Kiwi Crate Discount

My daughter enjoyed pressing the color buttons to magically add that color to the following pages of the book!

Kiwi Crate Discount

So if you know someone who likes to tinker and build, you can use this link I got specifically for Eco Friendly Mama readers and get a Kiwi Crate discount: Try one crate for free (just pay $4.95 shipping in the US!), or get 60% off the first month of a gift subscription: 💚🤖🌈🤓

Hilary Feldstein Ratner
California, USA

Hi, I'm Hilary. I'm just a mom, standing on the earth, asking you to love the planet with me. For my complete bio, check out the About Me tab!


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